Welcome back! February's Felt-In got off to great start with our very creative Deirdre Gallagher introducing Shibori techniques to the group along with a few spikes and roping to bring together into a beautiful wet felted necklace! Ann made reference to it being more of a day workshop! We all agree! What a busy morning, so much to take in, learn and to do, the excitement in the room and the silence ...as everyone was quietly busy lol. I'd love to know what Beverly was giggling at? We did have plenty of laughs, you should know our group by now! Shibori - Spikes Ropes / cording & Inclusions
We really did experience all of these on the morning - can't wait to see what everyone brings back for the Show & Tell table.
Love how versatile felt can be. Taking my own blended roving that has been carded on the carding drum and made into a cord or roping to form a necklace to wear. So much more easily made!
(no cracks girls to cover over) Look at the mix of colour, just speaks the sea or ocean to me. Murlough Bay Beach, in the Co Down that swipes down to the Mournes is where I draw my inspiration from. displaying different parts to the techniques that when put together formed my display pieces of jewelry for the morning felt-in. Lots of information to take in! The visual dairy from my HND Art & Design course came in handy to show the importance of drawing from your own sketches, photos and what you like and love form your surroundings - then you take it to sampling and then your finished pieces.
Adapting as you learn and grow. Just play!
Our group at Feltmakers North Guild really go out the whole way not just with the sampling for what we are doing that morning but also with a gift offered up for the ballot as well as the presentation of our work to the group, I think you would agree. I think Sandy had her eye on this necklace from the start of the morning, did she win the ballot? You will need to read on to find out LOL.
Inclusions made with stones & coloured gems. Shibori made with marbles of different sizes.
This is a beautiful scarf made using Shibori - just look at the effect, I love it!
Margaret & Sandy busy being creative with bright colours shown. Sandy is now trying out the necklace, it really does suit her. We have Deborah & Johanne (our sister act) having a great time with Anna in the background trying not to look at the camera.
Show & Tell table-more beautiful cushion covers made & a pleated vessel from Sandy's felt-In and workshop - aren't they fabulous!
What a display of fabulous work, by our members! We have cushion covers, pleated vessels, bracelets, framed Red Robin,a book cover and lovely handbags made by Ann on display.
What a great display of work and talent!
What do you think?
Well, the ballot has been pulled and
who 's number came up? Well you will never believe it! Sandy was our winner, congratulations!
Beautiful on you Sandy, Well done!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the February Felt-In, it was another great morning being very creative with lots of laughs. Going home with many ideas and plenty of homework says Sharon,
(nice homework though).
Look at the lovely pleated vessels - thanks to Jayne, Leah, Patricia, Susan, Anna, Sharon, Beverley & Sandy for bringing them in for us all to see, and all the other bits! What a great selection.
See you all on, Saturday 18th March
Deborah, over to you with felted Wall hangings!
This is going to be exciting!
Bye for now.
All visitors welcome, £10 for the morning.
Deirdre Gallagher
Chair of Feltmakers North Guild

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