E-mail: feltmakersnorth@gmail.com
Venue for Felting Sessions, every third Saturday of the month at 10am -1.00pm and is held in:
Hillsborough Village Centre
7 Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough
BT26 6AR
(adjacent to Hillsborough Primary School)
Membership is £50 for a year, which runs from 1st September to 31st August. Membership entitles you to come to all the monthly felt-ins during the year with no charge. Plus Free FeIt afternoon!
It also entitles you to workshops at a reduced rate, of which we run at least three during the year.
For membership feltmakersnorth@gmail.com
Chairperson: Deirdre Gallagher
Secretary: Deborah Woolsley
Treasurer: Sandy Cuthbert
For membership feltmakersnorth@gmail.com
Chairperson: Deirdre Gallagher
Secretary: Deborah Woolsley
Treasurer: Sandy Cuthbert
Workshop Secretary: Pleasuance Perry
Blog: Deirdre Gallagher
Blog: Deirdre Gallagher
Instagram: Deirdre Gallagher
Sales Table: Sandy Cuthbert, Deborah Woolsley
Catering: Susan, Patricia, Anna
Sales Table: Sandy Cuthbert, Deborah Woolsley
Catering: Susan, Patricia, Anna