Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Christmas is Coming!

3 Wise Sheep!!

Well felters it's time to plan for Christmas and beyond.   I think the 3 wise sheep would tell us to relax and enjoy ourselves and share some Christmas spirit among friends. And what better way than at the December Felt-in?  There will be a Bring n Buy Sale, so gather up your felting goodies to sell and bring lots of pennies to buy some more goodies to add to your stash! 

Elaine will be finishing off the year with the last of our focus on silk sessions, demonstrating how to use silk cocoons and rods with felt.  So that's a lovely treat to finish the year. 

And as if that isn't enough the session finishes with Christmas goodies of the edible kind with a buffet lunch to set you on your way to a very festive Christmas.

Lonely sheep!
This little lady was captured just last week in the Mournes.  I'm sharing it with you as a possible inspiration for our next workshop where we'll be learning the techniques for creating a lovely felted wallhanging.  Our own Elaine and Sarah will be leading the workshop which takes place on Saturday 4 February and I think we're in for a treat.

I did say at the beginning that Christmas and beyond is coming, because not only do we have the wall hanging workshop but also we are delighted to announce that Gabi McGrath will be back to take another of her inspired workshops and this time she'll be helping us all to create one of her stunning little bags incorporating pieces of leather into felt.  This will be on 4 March so watch out for details.

Gabi's lovely bag
So girls plenty of inspiration to pass on to friends and family for Christmas presents eh!!  Watch this space for news of our programme as it unfolds and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

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