Tuesday 20 September 2011

September's Felt-in

Ever wondered how to create windows in felt or nuno? Well that was the subject of our first felt-in of the season on Saturday. It was great to see everyone back again and some new faces as well.Liz took us all through the process of creating circles in a piece of nuno using a light cotton fabric and merino tops.

We added sari silk to one example and threads to another and everyone went home with a good sample of the technique including some who had never made felt before!!
Happy felters with their samples of a new technique!
 There was lots of chat and great advice going on with the members sharing their work made over the summer break and great plans being made to embark on new projects or at least dream about them!! As one person said "this is me time, a great chill out!" 
 By Gail Cooke and photographs by Rachel Julca.

Next month the topic is spikes, which if you have never made before are great fun, and like most felt items are versatile, and add a completely new dimension to a piece of felt.We are in Hillsborough Village Centre on Saturday 15th October from 10.15, we welcome everyone and hope you will bring along items you have made for the show and tell!

In November we are having a Hungarian Feltmaking workshop, this is a unique opportunity to learn another technique. Everyone that has been to a Feltmakers North Felt-in would be able to take this workshop. The less you know the more you learn, I can back this up with first hand knowledge. As I had been to 2 felt workshops and then went on Feltmakers Ireland 2 day Icelandic Hat workshop, I had so much fun, learnt oddles, and made so many good friends, plus two rather interesting hats from Icelandic wool! I thoroughly recommend it to all the enthusiastic felters.Details will be out soon! I am looking forward to seeing you all in October!
Fiona Harvey


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