Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Cobwebs in October.

For Feltmakers North's October Felt in we had Liz Nicholls as our tutor. She was teaching us how to make cobweb felt and had brought a great selection of samples for us to see. It was lovely to see all the different colours,  in some she had used carded wool, with some beautiful colour combinations.
The turn out was good including some new members who had attended the Basic and Beyond and were very keen to do more felting! After some instruction we set about laying out our fibres to make our cobweb!
It was another very enjoyable and creative morning!

At Feltmakers North we are now looking forward to Charity van der Meer coming for our residential week end, which is being held at Portballintrae village hall on Friday 2nd November to Sunday 3rd November so if you happen to be passing pop in and say hello and see the lovely felted garments in production!
Our next Felt In will be on November 17th and we will be using a resist. There is the option to stay on for an extended felt in and make a bag in the afternoon using a resist, however you need to fill in an application form for this which is available from Ann details in workshop section.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Basic and Beyond

Some of the bags and small pouches made using a resist at the Basic and Beyond.
There was a great turn out for our first Basic and Beyond workshop, where the students learnt how to make felt using shetland, jacob, wensleydale and blue faced leister wool. They found it interesting the way each wool felted in a slightly different way and they loved the natural curls that were still present in the wensleydale!
The photo above shows the four native wools being felted to make one large square, containing a smaller square, of each type of wool. The day flew in with new friendships being made and new techniques being learnt and a lot of fun being had!

A small vessell made using a resist, the wool is merino with a decoration of native wool, wensleydale and a little shetland. Although this was a basic workshop all the students showed their individual flare and produced some great felt pieces!
This workshop was a great success and a big thank you to Lisburn Arts Advisory Council for their generous sponsership, which enabled us to run it at such a brilliant price!
Saturday 20th October we are having our usual felt in and Liz will be instructing us on the art of Cobweb felting, so come along and bring your felting kit and join in. Its free for members and only £6 if you are not yet a member!! There are more details about our membership at the bottom of the workshop section or ask a committee member on saturday!!
Look forward to seeing you all then