Can you believe it we are having our first AGM next month!! The response from everyone has been terrific and we are delighted to have so much interest. The Agm is in Hillsborough Village centre, which is in Ballynahinch Street, Hillsborough and the centre is joined onto the Primary school, so you should have no problem finding it. We will be dividing our meetings, over the next year, between the two venues. At the Agm we are having Maira, giving a talk on colour and Liz giving a demonstration on carding wool and its advantages. Freda Magill will be having a sales table where you will be able to buy her very gorgeous wool. (Then you can do the competition in September!!as mentioned in last post!!) we hope to have a few other wee things of felting interest too. Most importantly we would like you all to bring anything you have made in felt since you have started to come to Feltmakers North, we want EVERYONE to bring at least one item. I dont want to hear anyone say my stuff isnt good enough, because it is. It is the best way to learn is from seeing other peoples work! I am wrestling with a vessel this evening, I made a mistake on it earlier and I was so cross, but I am not giving up and I will keep going, so I may well bring it with me! The AGM will give you the opportunity to become a member for 2011-12 with the advantage of getting priority on 2 very exciting workshops over the summer, we will also be releasing details of future events planned!
Here are a few of the fantastic bags made at Feltmakers North first all day workshop, the standard was terrific and I think some of the partiscipants surprised themselves! Eleanor and Hilary were great tutors and everyone learnt new ideas and techniques!Just so you dont forget; FELTMAKERS NORTH AGM
We will be announcing the winner of the logo competition at the AGM and we will be unveiling it! Keep on felting I think the different seasons make us choose different colours which keeps us all progressing, looking forward to seeing you all next month!
Fiona Harvey